The Lover’s Path: Round up and launch

The Lover's Path: An Illustrated Novella of Venice

After much hard work, the e-book edition of The Lover’s Path was officially launched earlier this week! I’m still recovering from many late nights and full days behind the computer, but am very pleased at the overwhelmingly positive response thus far.

Pre-Raphaelite Sisterhood wrote: 

“The sheer design of the book is a delight for any bibliophile. Lavishly illustrated, the images, textures, and illuminated letters hearken back to a time when books were treasured things to behold.  As deeply as I love physical books, e-books aren’t going anywhere. The Lover’s Path is a testament to the fact that electronic text can also be artistic and aesthetically pleasing.” Read the full review.

Also there: A guest post by moi about Pre-Raphaelites in Venice.

From Unabridged Chick

“I’ve got nothing but swoony, swoony love for this one — get it and indulge in some lush escapist reading! With the playful and charming illustrated elements, this book drew out that sense of wonderment I get from reading, the visceral joy of being plunged into a story.” Read the full review.

Over at Unshelfish, Melinda wrote that The Lover’s Path was:

“A delicate, sensual yet powerful story leaving you stunned in beauty in its entirety. Exquisite.” Read the full review.

Also there: A guest post by me about creating the illustrations for it.

We got some love from Peeking Between the Pages too: 

The Lover’s Path: An Illustrated Novella of Venice by Kris Waldherr is an absolutely gorgeous book both in story and in the  stunning art work depicted throughout its pages.  It is a beautifully written tale of forbidden love that is accompanied by amazing illustrations that are a treat for a reader’s eyes.  When I opened this book I fell into it and couldn’t put it down until I turned the last page…. I loved this book and can see myself delving into it again in the future.” Read the full review.

From CelticLady’s Reviews:

“Does the story have a happy ending? I can’t really tell you that, but what I can tell you is The Lover’s Path is a beautiful novella, filled with gorgeous pictures done by the author and a bit of a history lesson on the 16th century Italian Renaissance…. What a pleasure is was to read this book.”  Read the full review.


More reviews will be coming next week. On top of all this, there’s now a dedicated webpage devoted to The Lover’s Path at I hope you’ll take a moment to visit. And with that, I’m going to go collapse onto a chaise. 🙂

Illustration from The Lover’s Path iPad e-book.

A Secret Story for You

“To truly love another, you must follow the Lover’s Path wherever it may take you.”

The tale of the lover’s path begins as the story of two sisters, alike as doves in appearance, but different as water and wine in temperament and experience…