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I'm so delighted to welcome my author friend Eva Stachniak here today—and just in time for the publication of her latest historical novel, THE SCHOOL OF MIRRORS! Eva's prose is simply stunning: lyrical, intimate, and insightful. I was privileged to read an advance copy of THE SCHOOL OF MIRRORS and found myself completely immersed in Eva's sweeping recreation of 18th-century France in all its glories and terrors. By the time I turned the last page, I'd felt as though I'd journeyed

First page proofs of Unnatural Creatures next to two book friends. Don't they look cozy? I'm delighted to welcome Kathleen Williams Renk to my site today! I was so pleased to receive a copy of her novel Vindicated, an intimate portrayal of the life of Mary Shelley that I devoured in a matter of hours. If you're as fascinated as I am with Shelley and her circle, you won't want to miss this book. In our interview, Renk and I chatted

The day after my book launch, I traveled to New Jersey to present The Lost History of Dreams. Here I am in conversation with my author friend Judith Lindbergh of the Writers Circle.  Here are a few recent links about The Lost History of Dreams. I'll have more later in the week. ~ A CrimeReads essay I wrote about post-mortem photography and the death of my mother-in-law. It's perhaps the most personal piece I've ever shared. ~ BookTrib interview with Nancy Bilyeau, author of

Party swag! Though Bad Princess was released to the world on January 30th, the official launch was held February 11th. I'm pleased to announce the party was a big success: over seventy people joined me on a rainy day in Brooklyn to celebrate the birth of my newest book. Bad Princess fierceness! Kid-friendly activities included royal cupcake decorating, a "Bad Princess" selfie station, and tiara making. We even had a princess-themed scavenger hunt that resulted in a surprise coronation for the winner. All hail Brooklyn's

BAD PRINCESS will be published inCountdown (function(d, s, id) { var js, pjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; pjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, pjs); }(document, "script", "tickcounter-sdk")); until Bad Princess is published. With just over a week to go until publication—and in time for the announcement of a new royal engagement—the Bad Princess blog tour kicks off this morning! Today, the Novel Novice is featuring an interview avec moi. Find out the most surprising fact I learned while researching

A Secret Story for You

“To truly love another, you must follow the Lover’s Path wherever it may take you.”

The tale of the lover’s path begins as the story of two sisters, alike as doves in appearance, but different as water and wine in temperament and experience…