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As of yesterday morning, Tarot for Storytellers: A Modern Guide for Writers and Other Creatives is officially launched on Kickstarter! I'm thrilled that the book has already met its funding goal—always a relief—and was named a Kickstarter Project We Love. (Woohoo!) Right now, we're inching up onto 150 supporters, which is when our first stretch reward unlocks. If that's not enough to entice you to back, there are Early Bird discounts on the e-book, softcover, and hardcover editions thru midnight ET

Happy 2024!! I don't know about you, but I was glad to see 2023 leave the room—it was a complicated year, to put it mildly. On the plus side, it was wonderful to celebrate the 25th anniversary of The Goddess Tarot with everyone on Kickstarter and beyond. (Related note: all Kickstarter premiums have been shipped to those who filled out their KS survey.) Even better: I was thrilled to see my daughter graduate high school and spread her wings at

It's been a while since my last author interview—and I have a great one for you today! I'm delighted to welcome author Andromeda Romano-Lax to my site. Not only is she an amazing writer—her most recent novel Annie and the Wolves won all sorts of critical acclaim—she's currently preparing for an Ironman Triathlon. Read on to learn more!  Kris Waldherr: Crowdfunding! You’ve done two, with the second one currently underway to help you complete an Ironman Triathlon. Can you tell me

I'm so delighted to welcome my author friend Eva Stachniak here today—and just in time for the publication of her latest historical novel, THE SCHOOL OF MIRRORS! Eva's prose is simply stunning: lyrical, intimate, and insightful. I was privileged to read an advance copy of THE SCHOOL OF MIRRORS and found myself completely immersed in Eva's sweeping recreation of 18th-century France in all its glories and terrors. By the time I turned the last page, I'd felt as though I'd journeyed

The official chalkboard wall in my studio aerie. Cobalt blue is one of my favorite colors. New chalkboard wall cleaned off and ready for new projects! (Yes, I know it's been summer for a while. But creativity has its own seasons.) You might be wondering what I'll be working on in my new Season of Creativity. Short answer: a lot! Long answer: A new novel set in 19th century Venice. (I've about 30k words written so far.) Updates on the Goddess Tarot and

A Secret Story for You

“To truly love another, you must follow the Lover’s Path wherever it may take you.”

The tale of the lover’s path begins as the story of two sisters, alike as doves in appearance, but different as water and wine in temperament and experience…