Looking back and looking forward

As 2018 draws to a close, I can’t help but think back over what an eventful year it’s been:

~ Bad Princess was officially launched in February with a lively pink-infused girl power fundraiser at a local cafe. Bad Princess also received stellar reviews from Kirkus and other trade publications.

~ In August, my debut novel The Lost History of Dreams had its cover reveal, which culminated in a feature article on Spine Magazine. I also received print ARCs, finalized edits, and received enthusiastic endorsements from Kate Quinn, Erika Swyler, Hazel Gaynor and other authors I admire.

~ In between all this, I traveled to France and Switzerland to research a new novel (aka #secretnovel), and began drafting it in earnest at the Highlights Foundation. I also revised an earlier long-aborning manuscript, which is nearly ready for my agent’s feedback, and started a follow up for it.

~ I also organized a fundraiser to help reunite immigrant families, which raised over $8,000. (Psst! Authors for Families will be returning January 2019 with a fresh set of auctions!)

Now that 2019 is nearly upon us, I’m mulling what the new year will bring. Obviously I’m most excited about sharing The Lost History of Dreams with you in April 2019, and all the challenges and opportunities that being a debut novelist entails. For starters, I’ll be traveling around the United States to promote Lost History; information about each book event will be posted here as they’re finalized.

In closing, authors can’t do what they do without an audience—and I’m deeply grateful you’re part of mine. Here’s to a new year filled with books, beauty, and friendship! 

A Secret Story for You

“To truly love another, you must follow the Lover’s Path wherever it may take you.”

The tale of the lover’s path begins as the story of two sisters, alike as doves in appearance, but different as water and wine in temperament and experience…