Busy, busy, busy…

A sneak peek at what I’ve been working on these days.

Happy spring! As you can see in the photograph, the print book design for Tarot for Storytellers is well underway—I’m so excited to share the book with you! Though some finetuning remains for the cover, the main elements are there.

The details:

  • Tarot for Storytellers will be available from Kickstarter later this spring in paperback, hardcover, and ebook formats. Shipping will be in early summer, if all remains on schedule as it has been.
  • Eventually the book will be for sale on retail sites, but not until months later. (Yes, Kickstarter backers get first dibs! They also get additional goodies and premiums.)
  • The interior trim is 7×10″, so it’s larger than the typical trade size of 5.5 x 8.5″ to give all the reading layouts and diagrams space to breathe.
  • There are tentative plans in place for an accompanying workbook in paperback. It will be similar in format and design to The Goddess Tarot Workbook, which will be coming back into print later this year.

So that’s everything for now! Back into the design mines I go—and in the meantime, you can follow Tarot for Storytellers on Kickstarter here. 🙂

Daffodils from the Blue House garden. Ahhh!


A Secret Story for You

“To truly love another, you must follow the Lover’s Path wherever it may take you.”

The tale of the lover’s path begins as the story of two sisters, alike as doves in appearance, but different as water and wine in temperament and experience…