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October 2018

Aren't they gorgeous?? (And yeah, the cat is cute too.) So guess what arrived in the mail last week? :-) Advance Reader Copies of The Lost History of Dreams (or, as they're known in the publishing ARCs)! You can't imagine the emotions I felt as I beheld the product of several years' labor in its nearly final form. Yeah, intense! To celebrate, I'm hosting a Halloween giveaway of one ARC! After all, what's more appropriate for Halloween than a gothic novel? Here's the

Hey, remember that book I published earlier this year? The pink one for tweens? Well, though I've been focused on All Things Lost History of Dreams of late, Bad Princess has gone off to earned some honors of her own as an ALA Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers nominee. Et voila! There's more to the review naturellement, which can be read here—and much gratitude to The Hub for recognizing Bad Princess! In other news, that Authors for Families half-hour tarot reading and first

Cute cat picture to grab your eye for the serious stuff below.  Regular visitors to this blog might remember this post from way back in July 2018 (which feels a lifetime ago politically). I'd written: As a mother, it’s impossible not to be affected by the recent horrific news of separated immigrant families and children in cages—if someone took my daughter from me, I can’t imagine how I’d survive. But instead of giving into depression and sorrow, I decided I needed to do something to

A Secret Story for You

“To truly love another, you must follow the Lover’s Path wherever it may take you.”

The tale of the lover’s path begins as the story of two sisters, alike as doves in appearance, but different as water and wine in temperament and experience…